Monday, March 10, 2014

Gods Truth Isn't Accommodating

"I'm glad it's going to warm up in the next few days," said the librarian.  Are you kidding me? Did she just say warm up? It's amazing how after dealing with temperatures below zero, the mid 20s can be referred to as warming up.  Her experience with the bitter cold caused her definition of warm to be redefined.   As I was sweeping my kitchen floor later on that day I began to reflect on the comment made by the librarian. That's exactly what has happened to a lot of  "Christians" today.  We live in a culture where sin is rampant and we have become desensitized to truth.  We give in to the temptation to redefine Gods standards, something we have no business or authority to do.  Contrary to popular belief, truth is not relative.  God has not called us to be versatile Christians, willing to redefine his truth to be more "accomodating."  He has called us to be holy , standing for truth even if it's not embraced (1 Peter 1:16 ).  His truth doesn't change like the weather.  It's constant.

Greed, lying, homosexuality, fornicating,  stealing, cheating is NEVER ok (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). As my pastor previously mentioned, God created marriage so try as we might, we can't redefine it. it's so easy for us to give a nod of approval to the very nice gay couple or the well educated boyfriend and girlfriend who are living together and fornicating. Or say it's ok for the poor person to tell a "white lie," because they are struggling and the system has robbed them anyway.  I mean after all we are seeing worse sins happen around us so that ain't too bad.  WRONG! It is that bad, not because that's my opinion but because God said it.   Believe me, I am not trying to act as if I have never sinned or that I am perfect.  I have displeased God many times and have not always lived out or loved HIS truth.  But hear me when I say, I thank  God for mercy and grace and Him giving me a chance to repent and get it right.  Cause Lord knows I haven't always done right and was a very nice sinner.  The good news is, that opportunity for repentance was not only extended to me, but to all (John 3:16).  How awesome!

Truth is God will never change his mind about his truth(Hebrews 13:8) no matter how extreme sin gets, and it will continue to get worse.  The manual for holiness will not be rewritten, sorry no updated copies of the bible where that extreme holiness is edited out.  He wants us hot or cold (Revelation 3:16), not lukewarm, not straddling the fence, not somewhere in the middle, not a versatile Christian.  By his grace I want to remain hot and live out and speak His truth...and you?

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