Monday, January 6, 2014

Avoiding God

Ever been there, disappointed so then you come up with the clever idea to avoid God?
I found myself being really busy.  Being busy is not a difficult thing for me, because there is always something to do.  However I must recognize that just because there is always something to do doesn't mean I have to get it done right away or that I always have to be the person for the job. I have mastered the act of conveniently making myself busy when I just don't want to deal with the issue at hand.  Sometimes the issue is just too painful and requires too much self inspection so I avoid Him.  This is not to say I don't pray or acknowledge God but my prayers remain at the surface.  I choose not to quiet my spirit long enough to not only tell God all, but to be still to also hear His response.  I pour out  my heart and "run" before God can address me.  It is  easy to justify thoughts and feelings when these thoughts are not being challenged.  But to grow, I must be challenged.  So here I am this morning God, not only to cast my burdens on you, but I  am also choosing to be still to hear your response.  Your response that brings loving correction. Your response that is more interested in fixing me over the issue at hand.  Your response that  brings the the right perspective and peace.  Truth is, when I avoid God's response, I miss out on great blessings.

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