Friday, December 6, 2013


There has been such an urgency for me to teach Jesus to my children during this season.  I don’t want it to seem forced but I recognize there is a battle going on for their affection…and mine!  Sad to say but the agenda for most this season does not include Jesus, the very reason for celebration.  How do I convey and demonstrate to my children that it is more blessed to give than to receive?   I want my children to know that God is not against us desiring gifts, as I have learned through personal experiences that He delights in giving to His children.  However I don’t want them to miss the other part of the story, the beauty and power of giving.  To not be consumed by, “I have to have this, gimmie now mindset.” Children (and adults alike) need to understand that they are not disqualified from being a blessing to others just because they don’t have money to a give.  I want them to realize that they can give the gift of prayer.  So this week I had the older children pick someone they wanted to pray for, and prayed for different things concerning that person each day (their salvation, their siblings, their parents, etc…).  I desire to do similar activities through the month such as calling or visiting someone we know is lonely , inviting  someone over for a meal,  write a special note expressing gratitude to an individual, visiting a soup kitchen etc.   I also will not beat myself up and think my kids didnt learn everything they needed to learn if I don't get a chance to do all the above activities.

 I am also trying to be deliberate about sharing the story of the birth of Jesus and how they fit into this story.  They can never hear it enough, nor can I.   They need to understand that this story is so much more than about a baby being born in a manger.  I want them to come to love who this baby became, understand and embrace His purpose; still remember and celebrate Him when the lights are packed away and the gifts are unwrapped. I recognize that sometimes my lessons may be a bit choppy, and the kids may not always be as attentive or as excited as I desire them to be.  I may not come close to the cute nativity activities I see on Pinterest but I have to trust that in my sincerity to convey the truth of Christmas that the Lord will take my efforts and do a work in the hearts of my children.  

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