Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Forgive Me

Take me to the place where I don’t matter.  Take me to the place where I am not easily offended.  An offense is often present when I think too much of myself…How dare they, do they know who I am?   Consume me Lord. Fire of God burn it out.  Restore every broken place.  Take me to the place where I don’t even notice if I am not noticed!  To that place where I am not waiting to hear my name mentioned.  TO that place of not caring if I look or talk the part.  TO that place where no one, not even me matters, ONLY YOU!  God I am so far from that place and only you can bridge this gap.  I know that you are not asking me to get to this place on my own, because in my strength it is impossible.  You were waiting on me Lord.  Waiting on me to desire true humility, waiting on me to be disgusted with pride, my personal pride.  God hear the cry of my heart, the deepest places that no one else sees but you. All of you Lord and none of me. Here I am, forgive me.


  1. This is where I am in every area of my life. I feel as if God is hitting every corner and I am rejoicing in it which is mighty different. But, I know that HE makes all things good and if He is willing to spend the time to do it, then I am willing to go through it.

    your sister, Celeste

    1. Amen to that! Love it that we don't have to fix ourselves, and that God is more than willing to spend the time perfecting us as we surrender.
